Are Dogs Allowed In Lowe’s? (Lowe’s Dog Policy Explained)

Have you ever been curious if Lowe’s allows dogs in their stores? Well, you’re not alone. 


After all, most stores have policies prohibiting dogs from entering. However, there are a few obvious exceptions. For example, service dogs are allowed in many stores.


But what about Lowe’s stores?


This article will give you everything you need to know about Lowe’s dog policies:


  • Five key Lowe’s dog policies
  • Top three reasons why dog parents should bring along their pooches to Lowe’s
  • Nine crucial ideas for stress-free shopping at Lowe’s with your dog
  • Which Lowe’s stores prohibit dogs in their facilities? 

Are Dogs Allowed in Lowe’s?

Yes, but only with the management’s permission. If allowed in, the dog must always be on its leash and behave decently while in the store. Dog owners are also expected to tidy up after their pets. If a dog shows aggressiveness, its owners will be requested to leave the store with them instantly. 

Are Dogs Allowed in Lowe’s Stores During COVID?

Even during this COVID-19 pandemic, most Lowe’s stores still allow dogs to accompany their owners to shopping. But this entirely depends on the local policy of the local management. 

Are Dogs Accepted In Lowe’s Canada?

Unfortunately, Lowe’s stores in Canada prohibit dogs from their premises. While the management appreciates the importance of these pets to their families, they only accept service dogs and guard dogs to escort their owners inside the stores.  

Lowe’s History

Lowe’s started as a town hardware store in Carolina. 


In 1921, Lucius Smith Lowes started The North Wilkesboro Hardware, the first Lowe’s shop, in North Wilkesboro, North Carolina. The business dealt with construction materials, cereals, and dry goods. 


In 1940, L.S Lowe died and his son, Jim Lowe, took over the business. In the same year, Jim partnered with Carl Buchan, his brother-in-law.


Buchan was optimistic that the price of construction materials would shoot off the roof after World War II. And under his watch, the North Wilkesboro Hardware focused more on the building and construction materials. 


In 1952, Buchan ended his partnership with Jim Lowes, making him the only owner. The company, however, maintained the name Lowe’s.

Lowe’s Dog Policy (5 Things You Should Know)

#1: Only Service Dogs Can Get In

Lowe’s stores have a policy that only allows service dogs to enter their shops. 


Some local store managers and their workers are not very strict on this policy. As a result, some Lowe’s stores may allow dogs to accompany their owners. 

#2: Dog-Friendly Stores

Over the years, Lowe’s has been regarded as one of the leading companies in the home improvement field. Additionally, it’s among the brands that allow you to bring your dog to their stores. 


But don’t panic even if your dog is not permitted inside the store. All pets are welcome in the Outdoor section of all their stores.

#3: Keep Dogs on a Leash

Virtually all Lowe’s stores have put up a sign concerning their pet policy for shoppers accompanied by their dogs. 


Always keep your dog on their leash.”


Some stores allow pet owners to carry their pets in the shopping trolley. However, most pet owners prefer their dogs walking beside them.

#4: You Won’t Be Questioned About Your Dog

In most Lowe’s stores, you won’t be asked if your pet is a service dog or not. 


Most stores instruct their employees not to inquire about dogs when ushering in shoppers. After all, it would be rather challenging to ask pet parents for service documents.


Moreover, some store management doesn’t give a clear guideline concerning the policy. Therefore, they accept pets in their stores—dogs and parrots, monkeys, cats, etc. 


Typically, no employee would prevent customers and pets from entering the stores, except when a dog misbehaves.

#5: Changes in Policy

Unfortunately, the lack of consistency in enforcing Lowe’s pet policy has caused a lot of confusion. 


For instance, most stores with the “service pets only” posts allow virtually all pets. At the same time, shops that have been allowing pets over the years can suddenly prohibit pets inside their premises.


However, some scenarios may necessitate the stores to change their pet policies abruptly. For example, pet conflicts and accidents can provoke the store management to put up more strict guidelines. 


One of the Lowe’s stores managers reportedly denied a pet owner from accessing his store with her Chihuahua. And when asked for an explanation, the manager cited various recent events of aggressive dogs in the store. 


One such incident happened in New Hampshire, where the local store suddenly put up a sign warning pet owners not to enter the store with their pets.


Multiple customers, who had for years shopped with their pets, to reason with management were unsuccessful. The management insisted that the policy was always there and should be obeyed.

Dog Biting Incidents At Lowe’s

Most stores do not accept dogs inside essentially because they fear that they may bite people or cause a lot of tension.


The stores that allow dogs to enter have put up policies to reduce or eliminate the chances of them causing chaos. However, there are multiple reports of accidents caused by dogs in various stores. And Lowe’s stores are not exempted. 


The most memorable event regarding dog attacks that has ever happened in a Lowe’s store took place on 28th December 2013.


A purebred Akita attacked a toddler, a three-year-old boy. The attack left the boy with injuries that needed about 50 stitches. 


This accident took place in a Lowe’s store in Murrieta. 


After the incident, Robert Steven Kahn, the dog’s owner, only apologized to the victim and his family before rushing off. 


Luckily, the police traced and arrested Mr Kahn. His dog was also seized by animal control. The police discovered that this dog had also bitten two other victims; one happened at another store. 


On the other hand, the victim’s family sued Lowe’s store for negligence. They also cited that no staff called for help services after the incident.


In 2019, a Lowe’s store in North Carolina experienced another biting accident. Though the injuries were minor in this case, the dog owner ran off just like the previous one. 

3 Reasons Why Dog Owners Take Their Dogs to Lowe’s

#1: Socialization

Stores such as Lowe’s offer dogs the opportunity to socialize. Most pet owners admit that they bring along their dogs while shopping to socialize with other dogs. 


Furthermore, some pet owners tag their puppies along to help them develop good behaviours around new people. 


By going to places like Lowe’s, puppies can gain a lot in their behaviour. According to one study, socialization can have a long-term impact on your dog’s growth and development.


However, if the socializing doesn’t go well, it could expose your dog to anxiety, aggression, or separation issues. 


Caution: Ensure that your dog is vaccinated before taking them to crowded places, as they can pick infections from other pets

#2: Outings

On quora, one pet owner from Arizona said that they usually take their pets to Lowe’s for outings—mainly over the winter and summer months. 


As long as your dog is well-behaved, you won’t have problems with the store management. Also, as a pet owner, it’s your responsibility to clean up the messes after your dog—so carry poop bags just in case. 


#3: Field trip

Another lady admitted to regularly taking her dog for training at Lowe’s. She further said that the store is an excellent place to demonstrate their pet’s training activity. And whenever she takes her dogs for the field trips, the staff always welcome the dogs. 

9 Hacks When Shopping At Lowe’s Stores With Your Dog

#1: Call Upfront

Although most Lowe’s accept pets, it’s not easy to tell whether your local Lowe’s welcomes all pets. Besides, you might not be aware of policy changes that might have been effected in your absence. 


As a result, whenever you want the company of your dog to Lowe’s, you should phone them in advance. It would be pointless and embarrassing to go a long distance only to be denied entry.

#2: Train Your Dog To Adapt to Sounds

Lowe’s is a bustling shop. Your pet will probably come across different individuals, most of whom will possibly want to touch them. 


But, is your dog up to the challenge?


You may also find a swarm of loud individuals or a multitude of lively, happy youngsters who will make your dog uncomfortable with the environment. Additionally, there could be a large number of pets accompanying their owners.


In other words, taking your dog to Lowe’s might expose them to many situations—you’ll be introducing your dog to a variety of sights, noises, and smells. If your dog isn’t familiar with these, it might be overpowering.


Desensitization is a method of reducing a dog’s response to stimuli. To help them adapt to strange environments, begin by desensitizing your dog before you go to Lowe’s.


It recommends playing a sound recording below the anxiety limit of your dog and entails playing the sound at a level that is pleasant for the dog. As the dog becomes acclimated to the sound, it stops reacting. Then, when the dog becomes accustomed to it, it progressively increases the intensity. 


Research tried to establish the efficiency of desensitization in alleviating separation anxiety. Eight dogs underwent desensitization and counterconditioning. And it was determined that the application of desensitization lowered the frequency and severity of the condition.


#3: Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

Due to the many shoppers in any store, anything can happen at any time. You may encounter a dog or a passerby while you’re out shopping at Lowe’s.


That’s why you should be very observant of your surroundings while walking with your furry friend to the store. Think of your dog’s safety when you’re in a crowded environment like Lowe’s.


Also, try to avoid negative encounters as much as possible. Withdraw your dog promptly from any situation that displays signs of hostility or anxiety.


When your dog behaves aggressively to strangers, offer an apology and walk your dog elsewhere.

#4: Know When To Keep Your Dog Home

It’s sometimes preferable to keep your dog at home rather than bringing them to Lowe’s, particularly if you expect to spend much time shopping or when your attention will be elsewhere.

#5: Leave Aggressive Dogs at Home

Most dogs are not always ready to be introduced to crowded areas unless trained. Such dogs haven’t received enough or appropriate training to be well-behaved. They retaliate by growling, flashing their teeth, or worse, attacking.


When your dog shows signs of aggression, you should provide thorough training before taking them anywhere. Please remember that should it cause any harm, you’ll be in an embarrassing scenario that could potentially cost you money and time you don’t have. Dog bites in stores have occurred in the past—you may not want to be a victim.


On Lowe’s website, a Lowe’s shopper described how he was bitten while strolling in the store. He says that the dog lacked a collar and vaccination tags. He had to pay for four shots in the end.


Several dog owners thought it unnecessary to bring their pets into stores, even though they are not aggressive.


On another platform, a dog owner expressed his ideas. He says there is a high possibility that a dog will bite a child, taunting them in the stores.


Moreover, he emphasized that some parents allow their kids to do things independently. For example, they are dashing up to a dog and caressing it without requesting approval from the owner. This exposes children and dogs to dangerous situations.


#6: Ensure Your Dog Behaves Appropriately

All dogs are welcome at Lowe’s stores if they behave properly. This makes shopping less stressful and guarantees that you’ll be able to bring your dog in the future. What’s more, the store’s employees will not question you if your dog isn’t causing any problems.


It is essential to train your dog to obey simple commands such as ‘sit‘, ‘stay,’ or ‘leave it‘. The orders keep the dog’s attention on you and never get distracted by anything.


You should begin training them ‘obedience commands‘ while they are still young. You may also conduct refresher training to ensure that your dog retains what they’ve learned.


Besides the basic instructions, include the recalling training. It is beneficial whenever your dog attempts to move ahead or distances itself from you or when items in the store divert its attention.

#7: Tidy Up

It would be best if you took responsibility for your dog’s actions in public, including their messes. It is usual for a dog to poop or urinates in unfamiliar places—they do this to demarcate their territory.


But how embarrassing can it be if your pet takes a dump inside a Lowe’s store?


One employee at Lowe’s shared an incident where a dog pooped inside the premises. Another customer ran the trolley over the poop unknowingly. 


This event disgusted many customers, and they left ASAP!


It would help if you always tried to avoid such embarrassing scenarios. Perhaps by carrying pee pads and poop bags. 

#8: Watch Out for Kids

Kids can react when they see pets. Some can be over-excited and even hug the dog, while others may panic.


On the other hand, dogs may also act differently towards people, especially strangers. Some can tolerate people, whereas some panic and run away or attack those trying to enter their space. 


Warning: if your pet doesn’t like kids, train them first before allowing them to accompany you to public places. 


#9: Be a Responsible Dog Owner

You are responsible for ensuring that your dog behaves well around the store. You should only bring them along to train them to interact with new dogs and people. 


Don’t bring them if you know they’re too afraid around new people. It’ll stress them, or worse, they can cause accidents when they get scared. 


Most importantly, observe Lowe’s dog policy, such as maintaining them on their leash and keeping them close.


Be on the watch for individuals who may touch your pet without your consent. Your dog could react by biting them, regardless of how well you’ve trained them. 


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