What Are Some of The Best DIY’s Hack You Should Know About Taking Good Care Of Dogs?

  Every pet owner wishes to have a well-groomed dog. Brushing, bathing, nail clipping, and brushing your dog’s teeth are some of the routine tasks. Most people spend a lot of money to have these simple chores done. However, you can do them at home and still have a happy pet. More so, this gives… Continue reading What Are Some of The Best DIY’s Hack You Should Know About Taking Good Care Of Dogs?

5 Best Remedies to Cure Your Anxious Dog in 2022

The biggest obstacle to a healthy relationship between your dog and you, tension is rank top-most. Most dogs suffer from anxiety for various reasons, either situational or based on personality. Also, stress is exhibited through strange fears or phobias and is shown through behaviors like constant barking, destroying furniture, or being aggressive. So to effectively… Continue reading 5 Best Remedies to Cure Your Anxious Dog in 2022

Pedigree Dog Health Issues

What is a pedigree dog? In simple terms, it’s a dog that’s been born from two canines of the same breed and been officially registered with a recognised society or club that holds a register for these dog breeds, such as the American Kennel Club. ‘Dog showing’ was a new hobby that began growing in… Continue reading Pedigree Dog Health Issues