16 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Shake, Shiver & Tremble So Much

High metabolism, apprehensiveness, nervousness, irritation, decrease in blood sugar, excitement, or being cold are all reasons why Chihuahuas shiver so much. For instance, a medical situation, GTS (generalized tremor syndrome), an accident, an allergy, or poisoning, may all prompt shakiness.


When your Chihuahua shakes, it can be frightening. But don’t be concerned, as they’re prone to shaking, shivering, and trembling. In this article, we’ll look at the reasons why. So, let’s dive in.

Chihuahua Shaking Myths

Chihuahuas are frequently misunderstood as frightened little balls of fur. If yours does shake, you might think it’s because they are nervous. It’s worth noting, though, that not many Chihuahuas shake, tremble, or shiver.


It’s vice versa. Your Chihuahua may become nervous if they shake.


If you coach your Chihuahua at a tender age, they will be calm and relaxed in the company of dogs and individuals. You could avoid any shaking concerns that your doggo might have with actual coaching and conditioning.

Reasons Why Your Chihuahuas Shake

Let’s take a closer look at each of the possible causes of your Chihuahua shaking:

1: High Metabolism

The small proportion of a Chihuahuas’ stomach contributes to their high metabolism. As a result, they burn three times as many calories as large dog breeds.


When your Chihuahua becomes excited about anything, their fast metabolism causes them to shake. The same is true in circumstances where people are afraid.


Aside from that, Chihuahuas’ rapid metabolism is linked to controlling their body heat. Chihuahuas generally burn down their body temperature quickly. Your Chihuahua will become chilled immediately after this occurs. Keep in mind that your Chihuahua might be feeling cold even when you aren’t.


2: Being Cold 

According to the Guinness World Record, Chihuahuas are the world’s tiniest dogs.


As a result, they not only lack sufficient body fat to keep them warm, but they also have difficulty coping with cold temperatures. That’s why you should purchase warm clothes like jumpers and jackets. For that reason, there is a variety of dog clothing for Chihuahuas, and while some of them are reasonably amusing, the essential thing is that they keep the tiny dogs warm.


Dressing your Chihuahua isn’t a luxury; it’s a requirement. Keep a watch on your doggo on cooler days to see if they shake when they are outside. Immediately they do, be ready to warm them up with clothes or get them to a warmer place.


Below are a few suggestions for keeping your Chihuahua comfy in the winter, fall, and spring:


  • Make your Chihuahua look cute. Choose a warm cloth-like jacket, jumper, or sweater to wear outside, and never allow them to leave the house without it.
  • Warm your Chihuahua using your body heat by holding it.
  • After a showery stroll, ensure your Chihuahua is completely dry. You may use a hairdryer and a soft, warm towel.
  • An air conditioner or a heating system will be a great choice to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.
  • A nice, comfy bed and more blankets should be provided for your Chihuahua.
  • Place your Dingo’s bed far away from windows and doors so that they are not exposed to cold air.

3: Being Anxious Or Upset

Shaking, shivering, and trembling are frequent in Chihuahuas, who aren’t properly socialized. But how does socialization have an impact on shaking?


When your inadequately-socialized Chihuahua is placed amidst larger dogs or dogs with greater energy levels, your Chihuahua may become distressed. Shaking is a sign that your Chihuahua is agitated or anxious. The more uneasy your Chihuahua is in such a condition, the more they will tremble.


Have you ever realized how things start to feel better when you’re stressed and go for a walk? Your Chihuahua is in a similar situation. Exercising your Chihuahua physically and intellectually is an excellent strategy to prevent shaking and ensure your Chihuahua is in outstanding shape.


Both people and dogs benefit from exercise because it directs their energy toward something positive, stimulating brain activity. And when we’re feeling good, we don’t waste a lot of time in our thoughts and overreact.


Allow your Chihuahua to run freely in safe locations and have a good time with other canines on a lengthier stroll.

4: Excitement

Excitement is one emotion that your Chihuahua can easily acknowledge. You’d probably respond ‘jumping, spinning, barking’ if asked what dog activity you relate with it. You may now add trembling to the schedule as well.


Is it, however, a good thing if your Chihuahua shakes out of excitement? There’s no need for you to be concerned. ‘I’m so happy, I’m unable to conceal it!’ is a perfect description of how your Chihuahua feels and expresses joy. 


This means you don’t have to be concerned about your Dingo shaking before feeding them their food. When you’re preparing to give them a treat, for instance, they’ll react the same way they do when they expect you to toss a ball.


Allow your Chihuahua to be ecstatic. Accept it. It’s reassuring to know that they’re trembling because they’re joyful.

5: Anxiety (Being Frightened)

The majority of owners are unaware of how intelligent Chihuahuas are. If you scold a Chihuahua for doing anything you don’t like, they may start shaking uncontrollably. It’s hard to blame your little dog for being easily spooked.


This doesn’t imply that you’ve been cruel to them (you shouldn’t penalize your Chihuahua physically). They would, however, notice a difference in your attitude toward them. Your Chihuahua can tell if you’re angry by the tone of your voice. Don’t get surprised if they start shaking if you lift them when they’re hungry.


Your Chihuahua may be terrified of the existence of bigger dogs, in addition to being frightened because they’ve done one or two things you could be furious about.


When you notice your Chihuahua trembling around a giant dog, tether them and remove them from the area. On the other hand, shaking is a warning indication that something dreadful will occur. 


Your Chihuahua is likely to strike out in these situations because he isn’t thinking well. If the other dog reacts, your Chihuahua could be injured in a matter of seconds. 


Caution: Keep your Chihuahua away from any huge dogs that it could be afraid of.


When anxiety strikes, your Chihuahua will require some comfort to handle the situation. It will be your job to make them comfortable. If their nervousness is triggered by something in their surroundings, change it. Take your Chihuahua for an excellent energy-draining stroll before leaving them at home alone.


Pretend as if leaving the house isn’t a huge problem when you’re preparing to leave. That is to say, don’t over-appreciate your Chihuahua. Do not talk, pet, or hug them. Use the rule of ‘no talking, no touching, no eye gazing.’


Also, try leaving your Chihuahua alone for a few minutes every day to shun separation anxiety attacks. Try to increase it when they’ve become used to being alone for 5 minutes or even 10.

6: Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)

Hypoglycemia makes Chihuahuas drowsy and induces shaking too. If not addressed and treated promptly, it can result in seizures or even death.


It sounds frightening, so let’s get to the great news: it’s pretty simple to treat. When your Chihuahua’s illness is minor, it may begin to shake. When it’s serious, however, they may appear confused, dozy, and eventually pass out.


You need to divide your Chihuahua’s food into smaller portions and give them to him a few hours apart. As a result, serve three to five meals every day instead of doing a meal at daybreak and night.


Don’t cut back on the number of meals you give out each day. Spread it out equally to ensure that it lasts.


It will be helpful to identify signs of hypoglycemia early as you’ll be in a better position to save them. Sprinkle a dash of sugar over their food or into their throat. It’s also a good idea for you to retain a dropper loaded with a solution of sugar and water.

7: Old Age

Tremors in the front or hind legs are typical in senior Chihuahuas. Fortunately, your Chihuahua’s walking style is unaffected by these tremors.


Take your Chihuahua to the veterinarian regularly as they grow older. While the tremors could be due to old age, you shouldn’t rule out the possibility that your Chihuahua is in pain.



Consult your veterinarian to ensure that any pain doesn’t lead to the tremors you’re seeing.

8: Generalized Tremor Syndrome (GTS)

GTS, also called steroid-responsive tremor syndrome, affects dogs of all sizes and breeds.


This one may be hard because it’s easy to confuse anxiety or a drop in body temperature. The syndrome commonly strikes when dogs are between 9 months and two years.


You’ll need to tell your veterinarian about your Chihuahua’s activities, behavior, and any signs you’ve observed.


Your Chihuahua will require a complete physical examination by your veterinarian. Depending on the severity of the tremors, your pooch will be treated and released or admitted for further observation.


Corticosteroids given by your veterinarian can produce results in as little as a week. This is the most common treatment for the syndrome.

9: Poisoning

Keep an eye on how your Chihuahua shakes. If your Chihuahua begins to shiver violently all of a sudden, it might be a symptom of poisoning.


When your Chihuahua eats some foods that are harmful to dogs, they can have a bout of food poisoning. One of the biggest culprits of food poisoning in dogs is chocolate, so never use it as a dog treat.


You may be surprised to learn that your Dingo might become poisoned by consuming cigarettes (because they have nicotine). Xylitol, a sugar alternative found in chewing contents, can also be harmful to your Chihuahua’s health.


Insecticides may significantly impact your little dog, so don’t underestimate them either. If your Chihuahua’s tongue comes into contact with insecticide-sprayed surfaces, they may become poisoned. Literally, after sniffing the exterior of my home after it had been treated for ticks, my Chihuahua mix became inebriated.


I waited FOR 3 hours before entering my home after being sprayed. As advised, I scrubbed the floor twice before letting Lissa in. Despite my efforts and following the recommendations, she humbled the floor from time to time, and I had to take her to our local veterinary clinic for a checkup.


Even a modest but concentrated dose of insecticide could be lethal to a small dog. Poisoning can manifest in a variety of ways, including:


  • Drooling.
  • A swollen face
  • Seizures
  • Depression
  • Vomiting
  • Blood coughing
  • Dehydration
  • Diarrhea
  • Disorientation


Before it’s too late, take your Chihuahua to the veterinarian if you observe your Chihuahua trembling a lot and showing the above indicators.

10: Kidney Disease

Kidney disease can induce shaking, but it may be identified by a variety of other symptoms, including:

  • Weakness.
  • Lack of balance
  • Weight loss
  • Pale gums
  • Deteriorated breathing
  • Bloody eyes

11: Ear Infections

One of the significant prevalent reasons for veterinary appointments is ear infections. But what causes them? Chihuahuas, like people, may produce an excessive amount of earwax. When mucus in the ear isn’t removed regularly, it might lead to infection.


Allergies and ear wetness are two different factors. When your Chihuahua has ear infections, it will most likely shake his head rather than his whole body.


When your Chihuahua tries to rub his head against a wall, couch, floor, or bend his head, it could be a sign that something is wrong with his ears. Other characteristics to help you identify when your dog has an ear problem include:


  • Ear clattering.
  • Ear odor.
  • Yellowish or dark ear discharge.
  • Itchiness.
  • Red swollen ear canal.


Take your Chihuahua to the veterinarian to have its ear checked. They’ll be able to tell you what kind of germs caused the ear infection. Your veterinarian will most likely recommend a therapy that you must administer at home.

12: Internal Injury

If your Chihuahuas aren’t constantly observed, they may have a painful encounter. Because of their small stature, they are easily stepped on, bullied, or bitten by larger canines.


Even though everything appears to be in order, your Chihuahua might be suffering from an internal ailment. If this is the case, your Chihuahua will most likely express their discomfort by trembling, hobbling, yelping or, whining.


If you feel there’s any internal injury, look for the following symptoms:

  • Bruises.
  • Glazed eyes
  • Coughing blood
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Dark diarrhea


Treatment will differ based on the type of internal injury your pooch might have. A vehicle-related injury may necessitate hospitalization.


Medication can assist relieve pain in certain situations. Due to a speedy-beating heart, antibiotics or antiarrhythmic medicines may be prescribed. Surgery may be required in some cases, such as when a Chihuahua has broken bones.

13: Allergy

Finally, your Chihuahua may shiver as a result of an allergic relapse.


Have you modified their food recently? When your Chihuahua starts shivering immediately after eating, they may be reacting to a component in that new food.


If they don’t stop shivering and additional symptoms arise in the meanwhile, see your veterinarian right away. Because allergic reactions are unlikely to go away on their own, your Chihuahua must be treated. And if they’re not dealt with properly, they could lead to your Chihuahua’s death.



To discover whether your Chihuahua got an allergy, you can administer an allergy experiment to them. First, consult your veterinarian for more information on safely continuing with this procedure.

14: Nausea

There are numerous reasons for nausea. Mediation, overfeeding, and taking something harmful could make your Chihuahua vomit.


Nausea can also be caused by liver or kidney disorders. The following are signs and symptoms of sickness:


  • Yawning.
  • Too much drooling
  • Lip-smacking
  • Puking



Poisoning can cause nausea. It’s beneficial to know what your Chihuahua has eaten before symptoms appear. Notify your veterinarian right away if you notice your Chihuahua vomiting.

15: Seizures

Shaking could indicate a neurological condition like epilepsy. The following are some of the symptoms of seizures:


  • Drooling.
  • Freezing
  • Muscle twitching
  • Loss of awareness
  • Mouth foaming


Seizures can be treated with seizure-controlling medicines. Potassium bromide, phenobarbital, and Keppra are good examples of such drugs.


16: Distemper

Distemper in your dogs is brought about by poison. This causes tremors in Chihuahuas. It’s a highly severe disease that frequently affects pups and adult canines who haven’t been fully vaccinated.


Distemper is commonly classified as follows:

  • High body temperature
  • Nose discharge
  • Eye discharge.
  • Coughing.


You may require antibiotics, airway dilators, and face-to-face therapy to treat your Chihuahua’s distemper. It’s also doubtless that you’ll need to give them plenty of water to avoid dehydration.


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