Home Treatments for Fighting Off Dog Fleas

Pet Search is a mother-daughter run blog. Together we have over 40+ years of professional pet grooming experience and we hope to pass some of that on to our readers throughout our in-depth and non-bias reviews and buyers guides.


This review guide was updated in February 2019.

It may be that you’ve found pale gums on your dog or maybe your furry friend is experiencing abnormal hair loss?

Is your doggy is scratching, biting or licking himself uncontrollably?

If any of these sound familiar you may have a creeping doubt that there is a flea market going on in your dear pet’s fur.

Fleas – visible or invisible, are always unwanted visitors and we don’t blame you for wanting to find the best way to get rid of them.

Take a deep breath, lean back and keep reading; this article lays out ideas of necessary remedies for ridding a dog, and of course your home, of fleas.

There are a considerable number of over-the-counter medications that you can purchase to help you combat fleas. Not only that but you can also find shampoos, collars, spot-on liquids, oral treatments and even supplements to avoid fleas entering your dog’s fur.

There are so many ways that it’s better to concentrate on just a few of them and let you decide which one to use. Whether you are using shampoos, spot-on treatments or supplements, always make sure you buy the product from the pharmacy or a reputable online source.

Before using each product, pay attention to directions and choose the best one for your dog.

Do not neglect the instructions and warning labels on these products.Taking extra care will mean you can be sure it is safe to use on your pet and also that you’re applying it correctly.

Bear some guidelines in mind when choosing these treatments, for example, the age of your dog, how much it weighs or if your dog already has some permanent medication that could prevent using home treatments.

Some of these flea treatments may also only be suitable for just one breed or type of dog.

Usually, products designed for dogs cannot also be used on cats or any other pets. If you have doubts, please contact your vet before using any medication for flea treatments.

Methods for ridding your dog of fleas

Flea shampoos are a tremendous first-aid when spotting visible fleas.

Dogs are easy to bathe, so shampooing them to rid them of fleas can almost be like a game.

Shampoo treatment kills only adult fleas, and it has a little residual chemical impact on the animal.

Shampoo treatment also only lasts a day or two, so it is not permanent. The good thing is, shampoos are affordable and can be used more often than other methods available.

Spot-On Treatment is another option and maybe the best method when used right.

It lasts up to one month and is easy to apply between the shoulder blades of the dog, neck and along the spine.

Spot-on treatment works for adult fleas, and some products include ingredients to inhibit the larvae from emerging from the flea egg.

This method is also active against larval development. Spot-on Treatment is versatile but typically more expensive than flea shampoo.

Apple cider vinegar, the king of the home remedies; is a cheap and natural repellent for dogs but also works for you too. Mix a 50/50 solution of apple cider vinegar and water, and then spray on to your dog.

You should use this combination daily to prevent fleas as well as get rid of them.

We don’t recommend ACV if your dog is suffering from any types of skin issues as it can sting if sprayed onto open wounds. We also don’t suggest ACV if your dog has lots of fleas, in that case, it is better to consult your vet for further information or use one of the other

Flee Free home

After removing fleas from your dog, it’s time to clean up your home. It is critical to clean your home as well to get rid of fleas because canine fleas can and will bite humans too. If you’re worried how long fleas can live without a host we answer that in a seperate post on Pet Search.

However, humans are not as hospitable for fleas as dogs are, but they can cause irritation, bites and red spots on the human skin. You will recognize flea bites as they are itchy and often surrounded by a red halo.

If you are allergic, flea bites can cause stronger symptoms. Some sporadic cases flea bites can transmit diseases, but luckily this is rare.

You should be more worried about your dog’s health and well-being because when lots of fleas are found, they can dramatically decrease your canine’s health.

Start fighting against fleas by placing salt on your pets sleeping pillows and blankets, floors and just about everywhere you can.

Let the salt stay some time and vacuum thoroughly afterward.

Vacuuming removes all the eggs and larvae, plus it will stimulate the shells to become fleas faster, which after hatching, are easy to remove.

By spreading the salt all over your house, it poisons and dries ticks and fleas. Focus primarily on corners and under furniture.

After the vacuuming process, use spraying products for household use to continue killing fleas, their eggs, and larvae. Household sprays don’t destroy shells, but spray will prevent eggs and larvae from developing.

The spray will also cut the time it takes to get your household flea-free, which sometimes might take time up to three months or more.

Remember to get rid of the vacuum cleaning bag and towels used during the cleaning process and dispose of them properly.

Besides these simple cleaning techniques, you need to wash yours and your dog’s bedding clothes, carpets, pillows and everything you can at least 60 degrees temperature to kill fleas, eggs, and larvae.

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